
Children's University

Children's University
The Grove School is a Children's University school, affiliated to the University of Plymouth.
Children’s University is a charity that works in partnership with schools to develop a love of learning in children. We do this by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school. The impact of these activities is proven to be positive which is why we’re committed to creating a level playing field of opportunity and opening up access to children of all backgrounds.

Children’s University is an amazing project where you can get rewarded for having fun!

Collect stamps in your Passport to Learning for each hour of an activity that you do, and when you get 30 we will give you a bronze certificate! Collect 65 and we will give you a silver certificate! Get all the way up to 100 and we will give you a gold certificate, and not just that, but we will invite you and your family along to Plymouth University where you will have a graduation!

Don’t stop there though. You can collect awards and certificates right up to 1000 hours!

To find out more, visit the Children's University webpage and the University of Plymouth webpage.


As well as certificates we also have CU Badges that you will receive with your certificates. Wear them to school and show off your achievements!

Don't forget, when you go to your graduation ceremony, you'll get to meet CUB, the Children's University Bear!
Year 3 and 4 visited Plymouth University as part of the Children's University Scheme.
We had great fun and had our Passports Stamped too!!
We took part in a maths workshop and discovered lots about different 3D shapes.
Do you know what a 3D shape with 20 faces is called?
We also had an amazing experience at The Lab of Natural History.  We now know so many amazing fact and the workshop really got us thinking......
Did you know that the oldest tortoise in the world is called Jonathan and is 186 years old?!