
Year 3 and 4 Home Learning

We will share the spellings we are covering each week in class. We are following an inclusive, dyslexia-friendly Spellings programme and we review learning and understanding of the new sounds and how we decide which grapheme to use. We will share the learning focus each week so you can review these with your child.
Times Tables
We recommend that children practice their times tables every day, for at least 10 minutes. They can use their Times Tables Rock Stars log in on the app, play times tables games with you or practice writing them out/finding the answers. 
Your child should bring their reading book and reading record home each day and we recommend they read to or with you every day for at least 10-15 minutes.  It's a great opportunity to discuss what they are reading, what they think about the characters, what might happen next and any other thoughts they have on it.  Encourage your child to use intonation and expression (prosody) when reading aloud! 
Below you will also find the suggested homework activities for this half term. These are purely optional.
Spellings Resources
Below you will find some resources that we use in class to help with segmenting words for spelling and then to help choose the correct grapheme. 
Segmenting - Use the phoneme frame to segment the word into the separate phonemes if it is a single syllable word (eg: wait = w/ai/t or syllables if a longer, multi-syllable word (eg: capsule: cap/sule). 
Use the Phoneme/Grapheme Correspondence Chart to find the phoneme (sound within the word) and then see the choice of graphemes (how we write the phoneme).  You can then try these out in the phoneme frame to see which one looks best.  
Spellings w/c 10th February and 24th February
For these two weeks, we are looking at the etymology of graphemes in our language, this means the origin language of words.  
Attached is a list with the different etymology and example words, plus a word list that are our focus spellings for the two weeks.
The origin languages are: French, Latin and Greek.
Spellings - W/C 20.01.25
In spellings last week and this week, we have been focusing on creating a personal spellings list. The children have been practicing these in class and learning a range of methods to practice independently, both at home and in school.

They will be bringing home a list of their spellings, which you can support them in practicing.

Below is the list of different ways to practice.
We will share the spellings we are covering each week in class. We are following an inclusive, dyslexia-friendly Spellings programme and we review learning and understanding of the new sounds and how we decide which grapheme to use. We will share the learning focus each week so you can review these with your child.
Times Tables
We recommend that children practice their times tables every day, for at least 10 minutes. They can use their Times Tables Rock Stars log in on the app, play times tables games with you or practice writing them out/finding the answers. 
Your child should bring their reading book and reading record home each day and we recommend they read to or with you every day for at least 10-15 minutes.  It's a great opportunity to discuss what they are reading, what they think about the characters, what might happen next and any other thoughts they have on it.  Encourage your child to use intonation and expression (prosody) when reading aloud! 
Below you will also find the suggested homework activities for this half term. These are purely optional.
We will share the spellings we are covering each week in class. We are following an inclusive, dyslexia-friendly Spellings programme and we review learning and understanding of the new sounds and how we decide which grapheme to use. We will share the learning focus each week so you can review these with your child.
Times Tables
We recommend that children practice their times tables every day, for at least 10 minutes. They can use their Times Tables Rock Stars log in on the app, play times tables games with you or practice writing them out/finding the answers. 
Your child should bring their reading book and reading record home each day and we recommend they read to or with you every day for at least 10-15 minutes.  It's a great opportunity to discuss what they are reading, what they think about the characters, what might happen next and any other thoughts they have on it.  Encourage your child to use intonation and expression (prosody) when reading aloud! 
Below you will also find the suggested homework activities for this half term. These are purely optional.