
Climate and Bio-diversity Action Commitment

Climate and Biodiversity Action Schools

Our staff have discussed the ways we want our curriculum to impact the children by the time they leave The Grove.  We agreed that empowering the children with the knowledge and skills to act to combat climate change was vital and that we would like to become a Climate and Biodiversity Action School.  Taking part in this initiative would give us opportunities to embed the issue of climate change into our curriculum and use it to enhance learning.  We are keen to make our school and activities as ecologically friendly as possible and assist the children and our school community to make positive changes.  There are also lots of fantastic initiatives going on locally and we look forward to collaborating with other schools and organisations.


As we begin to formulate a Green School Improvement Plan, we are keen to hear from parents and carers.  What do you think our Green School Values should be?  How do you think the school could reduce its environmental impact?  Perhaps you have expertise in this area you would be willing to offer?  All suggestions and feedback would be very welcome. 


The Devon Parents for Climate and Biodiversity Action in Schools (DPCBA) is a Totnes-based not-for-profit organisation with the aim of raising environmental awareness in schools and empowering children and schools to take action on environmental issues.  They are inviting Year 6 children to attend a School Climate Hub events, to discuss and exchange ideas with students from other schools in the area.